“We have been dwelling in Arcadia, my green girl.” Damerel to Venetia. The historical-romance novels of Georgette Heyer (1902–74), written over a 50-year period from…
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Introduction What is it like to teach classes on popular romance fiction in a country where the genre has been more or less invisible for…
Comments closedThe year 1919 saw the publication of T.S. Eliot’s “Poems” as well as his seminal essay “Tradition and the Individual Talent”; Virginia Woolf’s second novel…
Comments closedWhen The Sheik was first published in 1919 it became notorious for its sexual content. While it still holds an important place in the history…
Comments closedA pivotal sequence in The Sheik (George Melford, 1921), a screen adaptation of E.M. Hull’s novel, acts as a microcosm of the film. We see…
In my interview with Linda Conrad, a U.S.-based desert romance author, she revealed that as a little girl she was most compelled by the classic…
Comments closedIn the Beginning (Notes and Topics) In mid-July, 2005, I opened a new Word file and sketched out the reading list for ENG 285, my…
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